Sunday, 13 November 2016

So... Hair

So, this is not a location related post, and I think one that's probably been done to death, but seriously what is with the lack of body hair in the nudist/naturist set? As a moderately hairy guy, one of the things that puts me off the naturist bubble is the little variation in hair removal practices that seem to occur at nude beaches. This strikes me as incredibly odd when naturism is supposed to be about... nature? It's a big part of the reason why I (historically) did not often 'cross the line' in a mixed beach (and sometimes still won't).

Dressed up in terms of preference/choice/whatever makes you feel most comfortable, it seems that these 'choices' tend strongly toward the current dominant ideas about hair removal (i.e., porn/culture driven imperatives to remove it ALL). "It's just like choice in clothing" I've been told. You can do whatever you want with your body hair... just as long as it involves (full) removal. This 'choice' seems so clearly not a choice that I know of several people who have been scared off going to trousers-off beaches, purely because they like their pubic hair.

The fact that so many seem to be wearing the same 'clothes,' (IMO) flies in the face of the positive body image, acceptance of all body types rhetoric that gets promoted on the naturist websites. These arguments are right up there with the "actually you'll find lots of variation" talk that comes up in the same discussions. Funny, but I haven't seen much of this variation, so is it also just rhetoric, or am I not going to the right nude places... around the world? 

Let's be clear. If there was a huge amount of variation, and full hair removal was proportionally represented, then this would be a non-issue for me. Research evidence on hair removal (believe me, I've looked) suggests that (contrary to media accounts) there is actually quite some variation in body hair (especially pubic hair) removal (or non-removal) amongst men and women. What is evident is that younger people tend to do more removal than older people, and women more than men - and yet (anecdotally) nudism/naturism tends to be skewed older (i.e. 30+), and toward more men. So, in my mind the idea of representation of the general population must be nonsense.

To me, it smells a bit of the exhibitionism that's not supposed to be a part of 'pure' naturism. It also undermines the distance that naturists often want to set between porn nudity and 'natural' nudity. It's also possible that it's become so prevalent, that for some it's about not standing out, it's about being ordinary (amongst the nudists). I find that a bit sad.

For a lifestyle that's supposed to be about resisting the status quo, there doesn't seem to be much resisting going on. The rhetoric of 'choice' is the new opiate of the people.

OK. Rant over.  

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Cala Fonda (Waikiki) - Tarragona, Spain

Sneaky, sneaky Waikiki.

I don't have any pics of this beach unfortunately, as my phone died just as I arrived - which was in the morning - a consequence of not plugging in my phone charger properly. I should have gone back and taken pictures later, but ran out of time.

I was staying with friends at Camping Torre de la Mora, a pretty back to basics cabin experience, but one that was thoroughly enjoyable. We caught the train down from Barcelona. A good trip, slower than many trains in Spain, but with a lot of coastal views. I knew things were going to be fun when you could see naked people flash by on various beaches. Not all, but some. Tarragona itself is quite fantastic (but very touristy at certain times!) Lots of Roman ruins, reasonably good restaurants etc. Early shoulder season (Sept. post school holiday period) meant overall things were probably a lot quieter than they might be.

The amenities are pretty basic in the township of La Mora, but it's easily accessible by bus from the main Tarragona township. It was a bit of a hassle figuring out the timetable, but it was straightforward enough that hiring a car wasn't necessary.  The beach at la Mora is a standard Spanish family beach - where Spanish tourists from Barcelona etc. go with their families. Certainly no nudity, not even toplessness. 

Cala Fonda is on the same coastline, but quite hidden away. Quite. You could go to La Mora and never know you were within easy walking distance of a nude beach!

You can get there via the road (apparently), but as we were staying at the camping site it was a bit more straightforward. Following the paths within the camping place to the fenceline at the back of the campgrounds, there are gates that give you access to a forested area. Sometimes the path gets a little hard to follow, but there are enough markers that you can get the basic idea. Google Maps (if you have data) helps - I used up my remaining battery to keep me on track (literally).

At some point you'll come to a sign pointing to Cala Fonda - in saying that along the coastline there are plenty of quiet little coves where you could wear whatever you want at various points in the day. If you were a little new to nudity/skinny dipping, you might find the occasional runner a little interrupty though. I snuck off for a morning skinny dip on my own, as the people I was with probably weren't into that sort of thing, and I'm not sure I'm quite ready for that level of social nudity just yet! Strangers are fine, people you see regularly less so...

After about twenty minutes you duck down toward the coast, and then have to steeply descend a rocky path. Definitely not accessibility friendly. It wasn't as steep as the descent into Guvano, but still not easy! There was a painted sign advertising it as a nude beach, which was a good way of clarifying things if the beach is a little quiet.

It was definitely quiet when I arrived. A small catamaran had been beached there, and its owners were packing up as I arrived. The casual nudity as they got changed and prepared for leaving made things clear though, as did the nudity of one or two others who arrived at a similar time. The sun was just beginning to make its way into the cove. Which was stunning. Golden sand, plenty of space, surrounded by forest. A real haven after a couple of weeks in big cities around Spain. 

This beach is 100% nude, without any ambiguity. As the morning wore on, a number of other people came and went, but it was never crowded. Everybody immediately stripped down. I think a slower entry into unclothedness, or less people turning up, might make for an easier entry for a newbie, or maybe being alone for a period knowing it was definitely a nude beach you had turned up at? Temps in September were still hot, and the water was a good almost warm - refreshing in the morning.

Grade: 9/10 

Difficulty of access: 8/10 (a bit of a steep climb)
Likelihood of others being around: 7/10  
Ease for a skinny dipping newbie: 9/10

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Fyriplaka, Milos, Greece

Milos is just excellent. Loved Milos. Would go back there tomorrow. It's not quite on the beaten track that most tourists follow, but it beginning to head that way a little. The better restaurants on the island are pretty busy, and then there's a sharp and clear gap between the next level of quality, with a lot of tourist fodder restaurants. The port town of Adamanatas is where the worst of the tourist nonsense seems to occur, with other towns/villages much less 'invaded' in the shoulder seasons. Certainly there are things to do on Milos, aside from sunbathing, but with so many amazing beaches, why would you bother?

Milos can be harder to get around than some islands, as the roads tend to turn to dust at certain points. If you want to get to the truly isolated places you can a) jam onto a boat with dozens of other people also wanting to do the same, or b) hire a 4x4. Your insurance won't cover trips too far to the West of the island, which means you have a limited number of beaches you can visit if you go with 'standard car' option. There are some truly excellent options

We stayed at Paleochori beach rather than Plaka or Adamanatas, which was a great decision. It takes a little longer to get set up, a little bit of a drive, and not too many amenities, but a lovely place to be based.The beach itself was relatively quiet, with a scattering of nudity (partial mostly) at either end of the main beach. To the left of the screen is more of the same, with a rocky area at the end. If you cross that, then full nudity was the norm in our experience.

But this was not the best in life. And I am, if nothing else, motivated to find as close to the best as I can achieve... Unwilling to join the young ripped set who jumped on aforementioned boats, and not fussed about forking out for a 4x4 we head off for what is arguably the most lovely (easily accessible) beach on the island - Fyriplaka...

From all accounts, the levels of nudity on this beach can be variable, but it was a good mix when we arrived. There is a distinct nudie section at the leftmost edge of the beach, past the rrock in the centre. As you got closer to the left edge, clothes became less and less common. Toplessness was common, even at the 'party end' with the kantina, music and umbrellas. 

Both of us stayed swimsuited for the first hour or so, my partner wasn't keen to go the 'all nude, all of the time' section. This was less about the nudists and more about the pseudo-voyeurs. The beach is made up of amazing rock formations, and these often seemed to be an excuse for pasty, middle aged, British tourists to wander up the length of the beach looking directly towards those reclining on it ("Oh no, we're not here for the nudity, we're looking at the ROCKS..."). I'm sure that the rocks did play a part in all the walking and looking, but it was slightly uncomfortable with the fairly direct gazes of people who weren't naked themselves.

We located ourselves in the slightly more mixed section, more toplessness than full nudity. After settling in (and thoroughly enjoying the beach in and of itself), and seeing various 'waves' of clothing loss and gain, I took off my shorts in the water, and then walked back to my towel nude. Due to the mix of clothing options, this didn't seem out of place, except that it may have helped one nearby couple make a decision themselves and joined in - making the nude section slightly longer than previously.

The beach was lovely, although the wind picked up from time to time. The water was very warm and clear. It was quite the scenic spot, with the colours of the rocks being QUITE viewable from the water and the beach without the 'close inspections' the (mostly) British seemed quite invested in

Grade: 8/10
Difficulty of access: 3/10 (it can be a little hard if you have difficulty walking at the early stages)
Likelihood of others being around: 10/10
Ease for a skinny dipping newbie: 5/10